Ambassadors of Spirit, unite!

Vision board 2022 I am subscribed to the EFT Universe newsletter and this morning I have received this beautiful email from Dawson Church. I love it and share it here with you, my friends, below my own thoughts, inspired by reading the letter and coming from my own living of the current reality. These are…

True gift.

Giving is not an obligation. Like in we “should” tithe according to some suspiciously “non-biased” century drummed in beLIEf. I think it is more accurately called “investing”, when people give you something, expecting a return in one way or another. It is a form of manipulation in this ego ruled society. Or when people give…

Add title.

Nothing moves me lately. At least, I am not moved strongly enough, to grab a pen and paper, like when I was in my late teens, and the words would just start banging on the insides of my skull, banging with the percussion of each heart beat, sometimes in the middle of the night, banging…

The 13th Fairy.

“Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional” – Byron Katie. As well as Buddha.   She knocked. I looked through the eyehole. Yes, it´s her. Looking down at her patent leather shoes, straightening folds on a once designer but now out-dated trouser suit from another century, surely taken off from an emancipated feminist or a Hollywood…

Online Interview for the Daily Bulletin, April 2020

A lovely online friend of mine from my writing class, Sandi Ivey, stumbled across the unabridged version of this interview (only a few parts of it made it into the featured paragraph in the newspaper) and encouraged me to publish it, in her words: “It says so much, is interesting and Needs to be out…

Why, oh why

Why, oh why… Your eyes, your ears, your hair, your hands. Alive, breathing, moving in stillness. You created. You weaved. You cried. You laughed. You painted the Starry Night. Your ginger hair was sticky with blood. Madness of the world. Love for your brother, longing to have a cup of tea with him. Love for…

The End Of Story

There is a Little Green Dragon. Her name is Lisa. She is very cute; you wouldn’t expect it from a Dragon. Do you think she is big? Actually, she is tiny. You can easily fit her into your secret pocket. But. She isn´t an ordinary Dragon. When you go to sleep at night, she grows.…


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