Eden Energy Medicine Classes

Hello, my friends! Presenting my NEW online class, coming up October 3d, Sunday, 7 pm Spain. “Balancing Hormones with Eden Energy Medicine”!

People ask me: “Do I need this class if I am over 60 and my menopause is over?”, “Do I need this class if I had an oophorectomy/hysterectomy?”, “Do I need this class if I am not interested in getting pregnant?”, “Do I need this class if I am a man who wants to launch multi-billion rockets to explore outer space and doesn’t care about balancing his excess testosterone?” “Can I take this class if I know nothing or very little about hormones?”

The short and resounding answer to these and similar questions is YES!

As Donna Eden speaks of the hormones in one of her classes: “Every time you laugh or cry, or feel hungry or wake up or fall asleep, every time you have sex – your body responds to hormones.”

They are chemical messengers for your whole body and they tell your body what to do. Translated from Greek, word “hormone” means “I excite” and this is what they do: they excite or supress an action.

A system of organs called glands, known as the endocrine system, secretes (releases) hormones into our bloodstream. The endocrine system works with the nervous system and the immune system to help our body cope with different events and stresses and to adapt. The production of hormones and their balance and level are influenced greatly by stress and lifestyle (enter modern society and our pressured way of life) and excess or deficit of hormones can lead to a vast array of different health problems and diseases – they can suppress the immune system, increase blood pressure and sugar, decrease the libido, produce acne, cause insomnia, lead to metabolic disorders, weight struggles and obesity, can cause different types of cancer, influence the reproductive system, cause thyroid disorders, depression and the list can go on…

And, as Donna Eden (Founder of Eden Energy Medicine) has put it: “If the level of hormones or balance of hormones is off, – you lose your zest for life. That´s real basic.”

The foundation of all hormones is energy. Energy can move hormones. When we think that we have more than 250 hormones in the body that tell our body what to do and if we know that they all are energy and follow energy interventions – all we need to learn is HOW.

This class introduces simple and powerful energy techniques both for overall general balancing that is helpful to everyone and for specific hormone issues.

So, it doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman, it doesn’t matter how old or young you are, – if you have any of the following: endocrine glands, a heart, liver, spleen, kidneys, bladder, small intestine and stomach (all involved in and affect hormones), if you want to have a restful night’s sleep, have a healthy metabolism, beautiful skin, strong bones and toned muscles, wake up happy about the new day, keep up with the day´s ups and downs, remain healthy under stress or regain your health; learn to balance extreme emotions, enjoy good mood and positive emotions a lot of the time and bounce back strong and resilient when life throws challenges of any kind, if you like to have LESS of the effects of adrenaline and cortisol (the main stress hormones) and MORE of the effects of oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin (the main love and feel good hormones) – this 1 hour class is FOR YOU!

BESIDES all of the above – we have great bonuses! 😉

Find out more here


or send me an email on eemspain@outlook.com

Look forward to seeing you in class!

With love,


…The class below “Calming stress and anxiety with EEM” already took place, if you are interested in the topic for the future, watch out for the announcements here or on my Facebook group Harmony Unique.


Thank you!


Hello, my friends! Introducing my new online class, coming September 5th! Mark your calendar!

My Slogan for this class is: CALMING stress and Anxiety, so everything good is COMING your way! 😉

Who likes to feel stress and anxiety? We ALL know and have experienced the negative effect of stress and anxiety on our body and physical health, on all our vital functions – breathing, heart rate, digestion, sleep, hormones; the effect of stress on our relationships, on our mind, clarity, decision making, productivity, happiness. When we are in Flight/Fight/Freeze, we do not live, we survive. It’s NOT fun! Nor we deserve it.

Who wants to learn how to work with your own body’s energies to stay calm facing adversity, whether it is everyday pressure of modern life or a personal or a global crisis? Is it even possible?? Yes, it is possible! Come to learn simple Energy Medicine exercises that can shift you from feeling stress and anxiety into a state of calmness and health – and maintain you there, with practice!

In this 1 hour class you will learn: 6 powerful and simple, stress and anxiety relieving Energy Medicine exercises, which can change your life.

Upon registration you will receive:

1. Beautiful comprehensive digital handouts.

2. A recording of the class to re-watch whenever you need to, sent to you shortly after the class ended.

Extra bonuses:

1. A beautiful chart, created by a young artist, depicting 2 bonus exercises: a vital exercise to balance the autonomic nervous system and Vagus Nerve and one of the most powerful acupressure points in the body for treating anxiety and insomnia.

2. You will enter into a contest at the end of the class to win a 60 minutes free online energy medicine consultation with the teacher!

3. Get a free ticket for the next class on a different topic (Balancing Hormones or Releasing Pain), when you bring a friend to this class.

4. A lot of interactive fun and meeting new like-minded people during the class is always an extra-extra bonus! 🙂

Now the logistics:

When: Sunday September 5th 2021 at 7 pm Mallorca, Spain, with the class recording provided. (Other time zones: 6 pm UK/Portugal, 8 pm Russia, 1 pm New York, 12 pm US Central, 10 am California – everyone is welcome!)

Where: at your home on Zoom

Language: English

Fee: 25 Euros

To register please send me an email on aaliyahfromj@hotmail.es

…Thank you in advance for all the likes, shares and comments and I look forward to seeing you in the class!

With love, Natasha Podterger Mitelman aka Natalia